Automation Test Tools

Automation Testing Tools

Quality Certain delivers high-quality test-driven and key-driven hybrid frameworks with smart use of commercial and available open-source automation testing tools. Our experience makes sure we select the right tools that work to the ultimate advantage of clients while our expertise assures on-time and on-budget delivery. Automated testing solutions design and developed are well-qualified to operate in all types of environments, validate running of applications in the full spectrum, identify, isolate, and fix bugs ensuring that systems be able to deal with the anticipated load and perform consistently.

Quality Certain Test Tool Proficiency

Functional Automation Test Tools:

  • QTP
  • Winrunner
  • Watir
  • Canoo
  • Test Complete
  • AutoIt
  • Selenium
  • Compuware functional test tool

Mobile Automation Tools:

  • Appium
  • Calabash
  • Robotium
  • RobotFramework
  • Katalon

Performance Testing Tools:

  • HP LoadRunner
  • Microsoft ACT
  • Webload
  • WAPT
  • JMeter

Tools and Technology for API Automation:

  • RestAssured
  • ResttSharp/ SoapUI/ReadyAPI
  • Jmeter
  • Katalon
  • Postman

Quality Certain has partnered with some ownerships above that allow us to offer economic test automation suits through a lease for test execution and support.